Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Gang Crime and It's Path In Europe

It doesn't matter if you are talking the UK, Sweden, the Netherlands, or Germany....gang crime is at it's highest level of existence in the past fifty years (even WW II). 

So you might ask the question....why?

This leads back to what I would suggest three essential issues brewing.

1.  You have a significant number of young men....who are unemployed, or possibly lacking any real skills (including language barriers) that would lead onto jobs or an 'anchor' in life. 

Politicians mostly stand there...acknowledging the problem exists, but have no real solution to throw at the 'lacking' issue.

2.  The gangs are the band-aide of sorts for metropolitan cohesiveness.  It's easy to get lost or not be noticed by the local community, if you exist in Amsterdam, London, Paris, Frankfurt, Berlin, etc. 

This is why you don't find gangs in villages of 500 to 2,000 residents. 

The preoccupation of the gang?  Mostly to challenge society or authority, just to make up for boredom, or provide a cash flow for activities (illegal of course).

3.  Cops might have an effect on the gang issue, but you'd have to bust the gang or it's membership, then rely upon the local prosecutor or judge to do their job....which they really don't want to inflate numbers or get noticed for sending the bad-boys away.

Resolving this?  Well....eventually, there will be enough voters in the city or the pursue far-right-wing behavior as the solution (whether you agree with the tactic or not).  You could have avoided that political solution, but the trend just kept showing lack of determination or willing nature to correct bad behavior. 

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