Thursday, November 14, 2019

Wind Power Story

There's debate going on in the Bundestag this week about wind-generators.  The topic?  They want to establish a footage from villages or houses (to mandate it).  The current chatter?  1,000 meters (roughly .6-mile or 3,280 ft).

The wind industry says that if this was basically cuts out half of the public space that they could put wind-generators. 

The possibility that this rule (if passed) could decrease future placement?  That's the thing you have to worry about.  With nuke-power and coal-power being decreased over the next decade....wind-power needs to continue along at a certain pace.  As need to put wind-generators where there is an actual wind pattern.....otherwise, it's worthless.

Odds of passage?  I'd say it's a 99-percent chance at this point. 

Defending the footage?  Well, here's the thing.....very little research has been done on health aspects (the vibration business).  There's strong belief in the public view, that the vibration is a negative thing.  You'd think that a university would pick this up and state numbers and facts. 

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