Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Hessen and Wolves

If you opened up the Frankfurt region copy of Bild (the German newspaper) today, you would notice a small story a couple of pages into it....relating to the Hessen problem of wolves. 

What the regional experts now say is that they think in the whole state of Hessen now....there's 33 wolves. 

For the's super-positive.

For the farm owners, it's a pretty questionable problem, and fairly negative. 

As long as the state folks pay off farmers for lost sheep or cattle....things will go along to some degree.  At some point, two kids walking from village 'A' to village 'B'....along some wooded path....will encounter a wolf, and end up in some attack situation.  At that point, the locals will demand attention with the environmentalists hyping patience, and quietly one night....some local anonymous hunter will put an end to that wolf and the local threat.

It is the essential 'good wolf' versus 'bad wolf' situation, and only one real outcome in the end.  It's not the 1820s where you could just overlook a wolf attack on kids. 

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