Sunday, November 3, 2019

Crime Story

This is one of those little odd German stories, where you just can't predict how it'll end.

As I've often essayed, Germany has this problem with ethnic crime gangs or 'clans'.  There are various varieties existing (Serbian, Russian, Czech, Lebanese, Ukraine, Romanian, Bulgarian, Albanian, etc). So  a while back, they had this guy who had a Lebanese passport and German visa.  The police put all the pieces to his story together, and basically proved that he was a clan-boss....his own gang.

So the paperwork was stamped, and appeals were lodged, but it didn't matter.  In the end, a German judge signed it off, and this guy was deported back to Lebanon.

In the last week or two, he's shown back up in Germany.  It's not explained how he got back (that might be worth some time for an investigative journalist to explain).  But he's done an interesting thing now.....he's shown up at the BamF office and requested asylum.  He kinda says that his life in Lebanon is in jeopardy, and Germany needs to accept him back.

The BamF folks?  I would take a guess that they've got special folks in charge of this, and thrown some lawyers at the details.  If you accept the guy back, it's probably good odds that his old clan-boss days will be put right back into operation.  The threat back in Lebanon?  It might actually be true. 

Germans will look at this and simply shake their head.  Even if you do the right thing, and go through a fantastic amount of man-hours to achieve success....the program just isn't foolproof. 

My solution?  I'd tell him that he has to go and move to some highly ruralized area of Germany (a village less than 200 people), and live there for three years before a full-visa will be granted.  No cellphone or computer connectivity....just a farm-house. 

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