Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Theft Story

I often essay about crime, and the changing times in Germany.

It came up in local news (Wiesbaden) that they had a 'tree-thief'.  What the cops say....over in the Biebrich area of town (over by the river), there are some parks and some landscaping operations. October, cops got called on four occasions in the area.....plants, shrubs and trees stolen.

Yes, dug up and taken away.

Maybe you could write off one single instance....but to have four of these occur?  Value so far?  Cops are suggesting it near 1,000 Euro. 

I just can't see this being some Ukrainian, Serbian, Russian, or Lebanese crime gang.  And I seriously doubt there's any profit or 'gain' off this robbery.  But the sad thing is that the cops have to put man-hours into this.....question locals, and try to solve this 'mystery'. 

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