Wednesday, November 20, 2019

BREXIT Election Twist?

Late last night, I was looking at UK news, which is fairly hyped up because of the approaching election.  Boris Johnson of the Tories is opposed by Corbyn of the Labour Party.  Johnson is pro-BREXIT.....Corbyn is anti-BREXIT.

So in this debate that was held....Corbyn made it clear, he was going to have a second referendum done up on BREXIT.  The public would have to vote a second time.  Then he said.....if the majority voted BREXIT again, he would support it, and make every effort to leave the EU. 

I sat for a while looking over the comment.  It was a bit of a shocker and designed to get strictly anti-BREXIT votes.

The problem that he didn't really explain 'how' he would leave, or that he could do any better job than PM May (utter failure), or PM Johnson. 

The odds of another vote?  It would only occur if Corbyn were to win the election.  Public sentiment?   Various polls have occurred over the past two years, and it's safe to say that the public is still divided, and it would be awful close to a 50-50 situation. 

72-percent of people were registered and came out to vote in the BREXIT referendum.  This is the only area where you might have influence and change the outcome....getting an extra 3-million people hyped up and getting them to show up to vote this time. 

Calls for another referendum?  It's easy to say that a vast number of people want this....but they are anti-BREXIT.  And you have to wonder.....if they failed on a second election, and the pro-BREXIT people won it again....would things improve in any way?

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