Saturday, November 2, 2019

The Juvenile Story

Around a year ago (actually December 2018), there's this German guy (Egyptian parents, so he's first generation German in the family and grew up in the system) who got on a plane and flew to Egypt.

The guy (19 years old) is a local Hessen, from Giessen. 

For some reason, Egypt authorities latched onto this guy and his travel plans....asking a lot of questions. No one says why his story fell apart, but his agenda was to go and meet up with ISIS recruiters.  Egyptian authorities?  Well....they won't support that type of situation, so they put him on a plane back to Germany.

Once here, they informed the Germans of the guy's intent.  This opened up this whole legal package and this week....the guy ends up back in the news.  Yeah, I's almost 11 months since they sent him back and you'd think that the legal machine would be working a bit quicker.

HR (our Hessen public TV folks) reports most of the facts known on this case.

But here's the significance of the present situation....the Germans are more or less debating if this is a true juvenile situation or a adult situation.  If you are 19 or less in matter what stupid act you are treated as a juvenile.  If you are 20, you are an adult.  One goes to prison....the other to some general detention center. 

So the court is just starting at the first step.....attempting to label this adult court or juvenile court.  The odds here?  Juvenile....I'd give it a 99-percent chance.  Even if guilty (there are actually laws on the German books about leaving the country to participate in a civil war with ISIS), as a juvenile....he'd only do a year in some detention center, and get a dose of psychological counseling. 

The fact that he grew up entirely in the German system, and wasn't a migrant or asylum-seeker?  Well, some might point to this as troublesome, but there's likely some recruitment at work here, and you have to wonder who in his local community was hooking him up with the information to get pro-ISIS. 

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