Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Fifteen Votes on the German Side

It was an odd thing on Monday to read over reports from the news media of the EU meeting for Greece.  If you read reports out of Germany and the UK....most said that the majority of EU countries at the meeting (19 total)....were supporting the Greek position, and against Germany's hardline.  Naturally, this led onto a 400-word reasoning why the Germans were in so much trouble and why Merkel had burned a number of bridges to reach this point.

Oddly, forty-eight hours start to get an odd piece of the story.  ONLY three nations supported the Greek position (Italy, Cyprus and France).

Yeah, that's it.

The Germans actually had fifteen countries from the group in their corner.  They were in agreement with the fifteen to take a harsh view of the whole mess and hand some tough measures over to Greece.

Why the news media message that Germany had screwed up?  Unknown.  It would be nice if the top-seated journalists would come back to the news forums and chat over their harsh treatment of the whole story.....but I doubt if they want to explain their logic or reasoning.

The present mess on Wednesday afternoon?  Well.....the German Bundestag needs to vote on the 'help' for Greece.  So far, a lot of public commentary from CDU/CSU members has been negative.  It's a big question if Merkel will find enough Green, SPD and remaining members of the effort to agree on this.

I've noticed several SPD members who'd normally be out front and chatting in front of cameras......are absolutely silent on this matter.  The Focus news media source says a vote might come by Friday night.

As for the Greek side?  I noticed in the past thirty minutes that a couple of demonstrations and strikes are starting up today in Athens.  Some hostile folks and angry feelings are in the mess now.  Whether they can get the votes to approve this now questionable.  Some odd interview occurred with the Greek national leader, and he didn't really have what you'd call a four-star plan on getting this whole thing going in gear.

Also, the Greek guy did note.....he didn't expect banks to open again until August (two weeks away).  It's not a good sign.

This is way far away from concluding.....if you ask me.

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