Sunday, October 15, 2017

Berlin Homeless Issue

RBB (the regional public TV network from Berlin) came up with a fairly detailed story over the homeless situation now in Berlin.

On the west part of Berlin, if you've ever been there....restz the Tiergarten suburb.  A big part of this area is a city park (roughly 3,000 by 8,000 feet). 

From the entire city of Berlin now, it's figured that 10,000 homeless folks now reside....mostly in tents.  A fair portion of this group has set it's foundation upon the city park in the Tiergarten, with locals now getting fussy that this can't continue like this.  Crime and drug issues are apparent. 

A fair number of the locals now believe that the majority of the campers are east European....people who came with no real reason or purpose and resorting to crime or drug-use.

The politicians?'s a difficult problem to solve because no one wants to chase the group off. Even if they chased them off....where exactly would they go?  Just another city park?  Some even point out that some intentionally have no passports on them and there's way to really 'send-them-back'.

There's a Berlin political meeting in November where this will be the number topic and some answers will be thrown out to the political folks. My guess is that most will vote to go toward some request situation where a cop just asks them to move on, and see if that works.  Then they move go and offer them money to leave the city (I know....that's the usual German method to use bakshish to solve all problems.

My humble suggestion?  Go out about forty kilometers away to some open field and put up a campground.  Have a crew of special cops detailed out to round up campers inside Berlin every night and deposit them to the new campground.  If they return to the city?  Pick them up and return again....over and over, and over. 

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