Monday, October 23, 2017

Two Vice-Chancellors?

German Basic Law (the Constitution) says that there will be one single Chancellor, and one single Vice-Chancellor.  Period.

Well, in the coalition talks of the past's now obvious that the Greens want a change in the law, and they want two Vice-Chancellors to exist.

How this comes up? the vote count, the FDP (the other party in this coalition talk)...has more votes and would typically be the one to come up and get the Vice-Chancellor position (in normal situations).  The Greens want a second Vice-Chancellor position. 

The FDP comment to this?  The news media has been careful not to say much from the FDP about this.

If they did go and re-write the Basic Law to create the second Vice-Chancellor position....who would out-rank who....Vice-Chancellor #1 or #2?  And if some did say it was somewhat agreeable....why wouldn't the CSU stand up and say that they want a Vice-Chancellor slot as well, and there might as well be three of these positions.

The odds of this factor making the four-way coalition to work?  You'd have to go and re-write the German constitution and I just don't see people being enthusiastic to make this happen.  Even having some intellectual journalist try to explain this to the public.....becomes a big joke.

If Kohl were around and in the middle of this mess....he'd say fine....he'd make all members of the entire coalition....Vice-Chancellors, and everyday, it'd flip to the next guy.  He'd be grinning as he suggested this. 

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