Friday, October 20, 2017

The Foreigner Survey Story

Focus went out and did a survey with foreigners in Europe and Germany, which had an interesting outcome. Of roughly a thousand people interviewed.....roughly a quarter of them were German resident foreigners.

What the survey found out was that most people came for economic advantages.  About one in three spoke to the idea of moving up the career ladder.

Almost a third of the group spoke up about training and financial advantages.

In the case of Spain.....some spoke of the pleasant weather.

Then you come to this odd question that was asked on foreigners who'd come to Germany and the question was....did you come because of the 'nice Germans'?   Only 8-percent said yes. 

It's an odd question and I would imagine that most Syrians and Iraqis were sitting there and asking themselves....what did they really mean?  "Nice" Germans?

In the intellectual discussion....Germans (at least the journalists and intellectuals) want this odd feeling at the end of the day over the open-door policy that everything done....was wonderfully appreciated.  The 'good German' suggestion should turn around the 'Nazi German' theme that most feel shame over. 

I's an odd discussion that you'd typically have after five shots of some German liquor, and a beer or two.

The thing is, if you'd posed the question with the theme of benefits and which country had the best deal for incoming migrants and refugees....well....Germany would have gotten a 95-percent positive out of that.  But that would have shamed the Germans too much because it suggests that money is the root of this whole discussion.  And you can't suggest that.

So the intellectual German is sitting there and a bit dazed.....he'd like to feel super-positive but this is all he can really squeeze out of this mess.

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