Thursday, October 19, 2017

Linke Party Story

I sat and watched a German public TV (ARD) news piece last night on the Linke Party.  There's been a meeting going on for the last couple of days with the VIP folks of the Linke Party.

The key thing you can take out of the meeting is that Bernd Riexinger and Katja Kipping, who were very near the top....wanted to carve-off some functions of Sahra Wagenknecht (the 'number one' of the party). 

Meetings were held privately and it's obvious that Wagenknecht had make some pretty harsh commentaries and convince people not to screw with the leadership function.

I sat watching the video (avoiding listening to the audio).....there's some serious negative body language by Wagenknecht, Kipping and Riexinger.  They are very unhappy with the results of the meeting....continue on with no changes.

If you ask some point before the next election....Wagenknecht is going to be dumped by the party.  My humble guess is that she will retaliate and go out to create her own political party (a Macron-like device). 

If you went back twelve months ago, there was a hyped-up sense that the SPD would win, and the Greens and Linke Party would be the partners of the new coalition.  These people in the inner circle of the leadership of the Linke Party probably had these aspirations of stepping up and having more activities, and that simply didn't occur. 

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