Monday, May 13, 2019

A Statistical Story

This was on page one news this morning in Hessen (my local German state)......roughly half of the attempted deportations of failed immigrants in the visa process, from January to April.....could not be sent home.

This adds up to 1,259 attempts by the state Interior Ministry, and 55-percent simply didn't occur.

Various reasons fall into play (health conditions, could not be found, disappearances, etc).

The problem here is that the public looks at stories like this, and they want someone or some group to be sharing in the blame....someone to be fired or pushed out of their political position.  And you just simply can't find such a person.

Logically, there's a process here, and man-hours devoted by the police to carry out these deportations.  You can figure for 1,259 least a dozen man-hours are spent in the preparation process, and ensuring paperwork is ready to go.  Then you go to the building or find the individual is 'gone'.  Then you have to devote man-hours to find the individual.  All of this....simply wastes more and more time, and frustrates the cops because of the waste involved. 

Improving this?  There's almost nothing that really can fix this unless you picked up the guy on day one of the failed visa and installed them in a holding-like compound until their appeal is wrapped up. 

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