Thursday, May 2, 2019

Yeah, He Did Say That

If you follow German news....the party chief of the Junior SPD Party....Kevin into the news this morning with an interview where he suggested that capitalism needs to be 'overcome'.

His suggestion was to take over companies...he gave the example of BMW...and let the government run them.  In his commentary, he suggested that there shouldn't be any capitalistic owner of a business.

Negative commentary today against him?  Various CDU, CSU and FDP members have come out strongly and made comments about the danger to society with thoughts like this.

The problem is...probably a solid third to half of the standard SPD voters in Germany, tend to think and believe in this logic.  They'd truly like for BMW, Siemens, or the REWE grocery empire to be government-run.  Yes, in a weird sort of logic.....this is the same political slant that existed from 1945 to 1989 in old DDR (East Germany).  Most of those people who remember the days of DDR running things, will tell you that that isn't going to deliver much to you.

If you had government folks running BMW, VW, and Mercedes?  Whether or not the cars were desirable or continued a innovation path wouldn't'd just produce them, and if they didn't sell, you'd just push the car into a pit later and bury it.

If you wonder why Germans are shaking their heads over politics and becoming's interviews and speeches like this that transform folks in a negative way.

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