Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Beer Coaster Story

So this story came up in Hessen for the small town east of Frankfurt.....Maintal.  They have a migration agency in town, and it's their job to create a two-way street.  They try to integrate foreigners into Hessen, and or orientate Hessens to be understanding of foreigners. 

The chief of this group came up with this idea (costing 1,700 Euro or $2,200)....of creating beer 'coasters' (what your beer rests upon as it's delivered in a stein).  The coasters?  Well....they have all these interesting facts about Islam, and this is supposed to be an introduction to the townspeople (those who drink wine and beer) to sit and intellectually get into conversation about the 'new' Germans.

Roughly 5,000 of these were bought and distributed out 'freely' to local pubs and bars in the town.

It's come to pass that some Islamic groups have heard of this gimmick, and gone to some negative feeling about the beer coasters....mostly because it's about them, and used in a alcohol setting.

I sat and pondered over this.  Most Germans work hard, and when they have two or three hours to chill out....they aren't exactly intellectually drawn to situations like this. Most would ask if this wasn't a waste of taxpayer funding, and find people in agreement. 

But this drives what I've been talking about since 2014....that some pro-asylum and pro-migration Germans think 'your' problem (if you don't accept migration or immigration) that you just don't understand or grasp the subject.  In their head, if you just understood Islam.....then you'd feel better about the migrants or 'new' Germans. 

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