Monday, May 20, 2019

Update on Wahl-O-Mat

Around a week ago, I essayed a piece on the Wahl-O-Mat, which is the App that you can use to determine issues, and the 'best' party to vote for in elections.  Cost-free, and easy to operate.....taking less than twelve minutes to determine your best way of voting. came out today via a German court....that judges handed down a ruling.....that Wahl-O-Mat has to shut down unless they can find a way of also handling 'small' parties.  There are more than forty parties that generally register themselves in German elections.  In most German elections, there's at least ten new parties that appear (for the first time ever), and ten parties that disappear (some were only existing for one single election).

The judges say....Wahl-O-Mat's crew have to make it totally available.  The party that brought this case up?  Volt-Germany.  I's a fairly unknown party (been around since 2017).  They claim 25,000 members or supporters. 

The key phrase in the ruling?  After you answer the forty-odd then have to select EIGHT parties to compare the weight of your answers against.  Volt said that 'eight' was unfair, and the judges agreed.  To resolve this?  You'd have to open up the comparisons and allow all forty-odd parties to be used in the weight mechanism.  It's not impossible but it'll take a code-guy to write this and a week or so to test out the mechanism. 

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