Saturday, May 22, 2021

Conviction Story

I've essayed a couple of pieces over the murder of a gay guy (also heavily wounding his partner) in Dresden back in October a radicalized Islamic refugee guy.  

This week, there's an update....the case in court ended....the 21-year old has been sentenced to life in prison.  MDR did a decent update and it's worth reading.

An added precaution?  Well....preventative detention was written into the sentence...meaning maximum security.  Based on the commentary I've seen over the past couple of months....there's a fair amount of fear that he'll kill again, if given a chance.

The dead guy and his associate?  From NRW, and both were in their 50s.  They were walking in the tourist area of town (an area I'd been to in 2018) and generally considered ultra-safe.

All of this drawing attention from the left, the right, and the gay groups of the region?  Yes, oddly enough.  

The thing that gets me about this case....he'd already been identified as a radicalized individual, actually having done jail-time for a totally separate crime, and been realized only about a week prior to this murder episode. Various public safety individuals could have stepped up and ensured the guy was deported the moment that he exited jail....but just didn't act.  

Now?  He'll spend the next fifty-odd years in the German prison system and probably have to be considered a threat for every single day.....against the guards.   


M1-19k said...

Remember "We are living in the best Germany ever"

Schnitzel_Republic said...

In terms of safety and crime-in-general....with the exception of the Red Army Faction era, I'd say the 1980s were the best period to be around Germany.