Friday, May 7, 2021

Second-Jobs Story

 German federal employees working with 2nd jobs?  Well....this question got dragged out in the Bundestag by the Linke Party, and the CDU-CSU-SPD government had to answer the question.

Presently (at least for the past year of Covid)....450-odd Federal employees of Germany are hired up with second jobs.

Is this even a big deal?  I'm not really that sure about this angle.

What N-TV said about this in the AM?  Well...the majority of the 450 come out of the Finance Ministry.  

Types of jobs?  Lecture business, wine sales, selling insurance/cosmetics, computer game testers, grocery check-out clerks, and run snack-bars.

Big-time cash?  Hell no.

I might take a guess that if you were a big-time player of World of Warcraft.....maybe as a tester, you might get a thousand Euro for a weekend of testing.

Why pressing on this issue?  There is a suspicion that a number of federal employees are pulling secondary jobs as lobbyists for various causes.....using their position to sell an agenda.  So far, it doesn't seem to have been proven.  

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