Thursday, March 7, 2024

7 March 2024: Seven German News Stories

 1. Just odd on the Red Army Faction gal caught in recent days.  Cops, after catching her....went back to survey the lease of the apartment.  Well....the occupant/owner....had no lease with the gal.   So he's in some type of legal trouble can't rent out a place without lease paperwork.

2.  Lufthansa flight attendants are the next calling for a strike...for 15-percent more pay.

3.Joschka Fischer (key member of the Green Party from 25 years ago) says now....a mistake was made in the quick dumping of compulsory military service (the German draft).

Current Defense Minister Pistorius is talking about a compulsory situation...using the Swedish model.

4.  Tesla production halt?  Because of the electrical powerline'll be at least a week before they start back to work producing.

5.  Remember that car freighter that was hauling a bunch of E-cars last year out of Hamburg, and caught on fire?  The 'Felicity Ace'?  Well...owners are suing Porsche...saying that their cars onboard are the ones that created the fire.

6.  Bahn/railway....on strike until Friday evening.

7.   German C02 storage on the agenda for the coalition gov't.  Oddly, the storage 'unit' would be under the North Sea.....or outside of Germany itself (at least this is the chatter going on).

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