Tuesday, March 12, 2024

About Hungary

 I view Twitter/X a fair amount....maybe an hour per day.  This past weekend, I came to a comment that some American had over Hungary (the country) and Victor Orban (the PM).

They tried to suggest that things were unfair in Hungary, and that people didn't have a real choice to vote some preferred candidate up....against Orban in the 2022 election there.

I contemplated this, and went back to a review of the 2022 election.  Various sources exist.

So, it's just odd.

There were eleven parties in the running against Orban's party (FIDESZ).  

DIDESZ and the partner party (KDNP) took the lead with around 52.5-percent of the national vote.

The six 'true' opposition parties? They worked hard under one umbrella....but combined as one group....they managed only to get around 37-percent of the vote. 

It is also....this opposition effort blasted it's way through Budapest....getting a majority in the city itself...with Orbin's group only getting one single neighborhood 'win'.

So where the opposition lost? Well....of the 174 districts....Orban's group won in all but three (Budapest was one of the three).

The remaining parties?  There was the 'Joker-Party'....not taking any of this serious (getting 1.7-percent of the vote nationally).  The alternate name for them?  'The Two-Tailed Dog Party'. (I kinda liked the name)

The Homeland Party?  They actually got around 5.7-percent of the national vote.  They are actually further right than Orban's party.  They don't skip over the fact....they are pro-Russia in nature.

The problem for people in disbelief?  Across the bulk of Hungary....the brand/message of the opposition folks to Orban's group....have not figured out how to sell the anti-Orban theme to regular working-class Hungarians.  Yeah....somewhat the same problem as in the US. 

I went back to Twitter to comment on this history (trying to avoid a lecture session), but I think they took it in a marginal way.....that this was something they didn't want to hear.

Having more choices?  No....that simply doesn't work.  More propaganda?  I don't see that changing much....if people don't believe it.  More TV ad's?  You just compete against beer advertising.   The fact that 1.7-percent of the public see the election as a joke?  Yeah....that says something.

If you offered the Joke-Party in the US?  You might get 5-percent of people voting that way. 

In the end....it's just another example how Twitter hypes people up and they can get all angry about something they don't understand.  


Bigus Macus said...

I think that Victor Orban is one of the few Eruopean who honestly represents his countries interests.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I'm not going to say Orbin is right/wrong...it's just that he has a 'brand/message' that regular people prefer....over opposition folks, and apparently urban dwellers and rural dwellers....each have a different view-point.

It is also obvious that non-Hungarians express views...mostly based on what TV news they view...which is also a curious development. And for those who want to suddenly hype negativity and 'Fox-News'....I don't think in an entire year you get Hungary mentioned more than once or twice on Fox. You'd have to read NY Time/WaPo to have a dozen mentions a year. Even on German news....the election is always defined as a 'mystery', with five anti-Orbin folks stomping their feet how the results were.