Tuesday, March 12, 2024

What If A Peace Treaty Was Forced On The Ukraine/Russia War?

 This is a curious scenario.

Imagine the far SE sector of Ukraine signed over (given up), and some end.

For the former pro-Russian Ukrainians who dreamed of this day?  It's a crappy landscape....most homes/structures destroyed.  Your friend....Putin?  He's broken enough of the Russian economy....that it'll be stagnant for twenty-plus years. 

So who will pay to resolve the damage in this new pro-Russia ex-Ukrainian 'state'?  Who'll pay to rebuild the apartment buildings, stores, and schools?

Will you get EU help?  No, unlikely.

China help?  No, unlikely.

So you will control a pro-Russian landscape...with the appearance of a Haiti-like government.

The Ukraine folks?  They've probably lost 200,000 young men, and a fair sum of folks who left....won't come back.  EU and US help will  come to rebuild some parts of the Ukraine.

In my scenario.....it's not a winner-loser type end.  It's just a harsh reality....a lot of burned bridges and buried soldiers.  

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