Tuesday, November 19, 2024

ARD/ZDF In Court

 Public TV in Germany wants a 60-cent per household raise on their fees.....which the states (the 16) have declined.....mostly telling the public TV folks to restructure to save money.

So it got noted today....public TV is taking the case to Constitutional Court (Karlsruhe).  

They want them to 'order' the states to raise the fee.

The text of the Constitution really spelling out the way of handling this?  No.

Three states have openly stepped in and said 'no' to the increase.  Part of this negativity goes back two years ago....where the sub-network....RBB (the Berlin channel) was  caught  up in a massive corruption scandal....trust was lost then.

What could happen?  The court could say 'no' to the raise.....then the public TV folks could start to sell more advertising for the 8:15 PM and later TV programming (something that doesn't happen now).

A majority of Germans now grumbling over public TV?  I'd say more than half have heartburn over the fee business, and the way that the networks function.  

I should note this as well....current statistics  show three-quarters of homes  have some type of streaming video service....up 13-percent over 2021.  


HD Wrench said...

I watch mostly streaming.The wife will watch ZDF or ARD sometimes. We both agree the TV tax is currently too high at present. (maybe Wer Weiss denn Sowas is worth it)

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I'll watch maybe 10 hours a week of ZDF/ARD/HR....mostly news or public forum stuff. Maybe once a month a Tatort episode. The TV tax is always a top 10 criticism of Germans....especially if under the age of 30. Radio? I give positive comments over Hessen HR3....great choice in music played.