Saturday, April 15, 2023

The Thing About Hate-Speech

 In recent days in Germany, with the discussion coming up over a Twitter case developing and a national anti-hate-speech agenda emerging....people are going to eventually start to ask questions.

If you dislike what someone is talking about....can you automatically hang 'hate-speech' on it?  No....just because you dislike the subject...means absolutely nothing.

Something-something-something-Nazi....getting uttered, and not really meaning anything?  Well....that's one problem by itself.  You need to be able to discuss the 1920s/1930s with symbiology and propaganda used....if you want to have a clear memory of the past.  

If you erase this period entirely....its likely you will repeat it.  

This morning, I noted this Twitter commentary....American had gotten tagged by some German for hate-speech.  

The subject?  The guy had text which asked the fat a gender? 

Twitter went by the book...reviewed it, and said 'no, it's not hate-speech'.

I probably notice a dozen of these 'reports' each week, and infuriates a fair number of people (not living in Germany) who get reported.  Instead of lessening tensions....I'd say all this reporting has simply hyped up tensions.

Hate-speech anti-chatter turning into hate-speech itself?  I'm starting to wonder about this subject.  

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