Sunday, April 23, 2023

Two Observations

 1.  It's not page one news, but in the last couple of days....the Germans have kicked a number of Russian 'diplomats'.  On Friday, the Russians did the same....kicking out around 20-odd German diplomats.  

To be honest, in the spring of 2022....the same type of event occurred. So it's nothing new.

What is generally odd....the public news folks marginally discussed this (for one day) and then totally dropped it the second day.  

2.  My wife and I were viewing ARD news last night (public TV) and this tourism thing came.  If you venture up to the far north, against the will be in the Rügen area.

Locals there in the Königsstuhl area....decided to front some serious money and build a 'round-bridge' or skywalk (meaning that you walk out on a circle on some cliff....overlooking the Baltic).

Local leadership seems to think that people will come miles venture out on this platform that extends around 150 feet beyond the cliff.  

I asked my wife...are they serious?  She (a German) observed it was a pretty stupid investment, and didn't believe more than forty people a day would come to walk out on this cliff.

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