Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Germany and Social Media Affect

 When you stand back and view the use of social media in Germany and this being election year....you come to an interesting conclusion.

Using the Statcounter numbers (I consider them honest and up to date (Apr 2021))....with 83-million in population, you get this situation:

- Just 7.6-percent of German society are Twitter users.

- Facebook is the 2nd most used social media group....with 67-percent of Germans registered.  But to be honest....if you asked if people regularly posted things....I suspect that fewer than 25-percent are what you'd consider daily post-freaks.

- On Instagram?  Barely 4-percent use it.

- With Tumbler?  Around 3.3-percent use it. 

- So at the top....is WhatsApp, and virtually everyone uses this on a regular basis.   You see people in grocery stores taking a picture of a product and asking their spouse/friend if they should buy some.  You see kids on buses in the morning....sharing out homework.  You see guys asking about their work-schedule for the next week.  Back in 2019, there were almost 80-percent of Germans who had an account with WhatsApp.  

I generally point out for the 2017 national election....social media was marginally used and I think the major politicians breathed a moment of relief that it did not attract problems.

In 2021?  You can already see minor indications that social media will be used more than 2017.  But the affect by Twitter?  Well....it might not amount to much.  Facebook might be the more used platform for the election.  

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