Wednesday, September 1, 2021

Denmark's New Path on Immigration

 I follow a number of European countries, and their various positions on migration, asylum and immigration.....along with the integration success/failures.  

In the past month or so....Denmark has come up a good bit.  They've gone to a new understanding on how they will handle immigration.

So, here's their basic understanding.  If you want to immigrate or migrate into need to apply at the Danish embassy in your home-country.  They don't want you just showing up and saying 'hey, I've arrived and now want to apply'.

The reason for this attitude?  It comes down to three reasons:

1.  They are tired of the legal situations that develop and the number of lawyers hired up (often working free) to stall deportation or force acceptance on visas.  

2.  They got into continual battles about accommodations and what was expected, or what was mandated by the system.  There simply aren't a lot of empty houses or apartments sitting around in Denmark (I can say this....having been there on three separate vacations and able to observe the country close-up).  

3.  Finally, when the visa process failed.....the deportation process became a massive headache.  

The pro-asylum folks in Denmark visibly upset about this change in attitude?  No doubt.  But you could have predicted this trend three years ago.  

The other side of this process?  Presently, if you measured up the situation....a lot of the people who did just show up....were young males.  If you made this into a process where you applied in the home-country (at the embassy) might have corrective situations where 50-percent of the applicants accepted were young females....without the tendency for drug/alcohol issues.  

How long will this interpretation stick around?  Well....probably until the next election.  

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