Wednesday, December 6, 2023

6 Dec 2023: Four German News Stories

 1.  In the heart of Frankfurt, speed limit signs of 20 kph (12.4 mph) are being set up.  Speed that people typically walk?  Around 5.5 kph or 3.2 mph.  

2.  HR (regional Hessen public network) had a story that as more of these ATM machines are blown some cases, they are never replaced.  If you browse over all of Germany, there's about one ATM nightly in the country....blown up and robbed.  Even in my little village (two banks)....we've had one blow-up in the past year.  Based on criminals caught in the act....seems to be a fair number of individuals 'visiting' from the Netherlands.

3.  Fireworks sales?  Set to start on the 28th of December.  What was different in late December of 2022?  Massive crowds on day one, and fireworks mostly gone by day two.  One grocery system is actually working up a reservation system.  Limits on the use?  There are a number of German cities who've identified a 'zone' where it's banned.  Yeah, there is a lot of talk about ending the New Year's practice of firing off rockets.

4.  Bavaria (the state) is preparing legal framework to halt any gender-evolution (at least in schools).  Likely to be challenged in court.  

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