Tuesday, December 5, 2023

PISA Study in Germany

 Back in the late 1990s....there was this world study done....called the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).  It was run by the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).  Purpose?  Well....to evaluate educational systems in countries by the 15-year-old kid....on math, science, and reading.  Every year, they produce a report.

So, the new report has come out for Germany.

German students have the lowest score (for the country) since they started in 1997.

Blame?  Some of the blame goes to a large migration  population in Germany....where the German language is not the primary language spoken.  Add onto this....affects of Covid.  Lack of teachers?  Yeah, that's been added to the list, and if you go nation-wide....there is a shortage of 400k teachers.  

Worrying folks?  To some degree yeah...especially if the trend continues.

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