Friday, December 1, 2023

Three Things

 1.  I saw the new cover of the Economist magazine, with the title...."Is Putin Winning?".

I'd say the logical answer is yes, but then...what is he winning?

From a military hardware'll take twenty years and literally replace the lost hardware.

From a viewpoint of eastern Ukraine losing a chunk of property to's a complete war-zone and you (if you were a resident) would flea to some other land because of the damage done and lost infrastructure.

From a viewpoint of lost manpower (1.5-million Russians left, and the country buried in the range of 100,000 soldiers)'s a crappy position for an industrial country to be in.

Bunch of medals handed out and nothing much to be proud of?

2.  Things got fairly heated yesterday in the German Bundestag....a changes to the  deportation law were discussed.  Naturally, the Greens didn't like any of the changes.  

The key changes?  First, when the police get the deportation order....they can go to the individual's room/residence, and if they aren't throughout known locations.  Second, the order to hold the person for x-number of days prior to deportation 'fly-out'....went from 10 days to 28 days.  Finally, the announcement of the deportation no longer a given public they might arrive at any time.

Public feeling?  The changes marginally shift public opinion. 

3.  At the end of's expected that phone-calls into your doctor....will be authorized to give you sick-leave.  Doctors and patients want the ease of this situation.

If you called and said to the have a fever and vomiting....they'd  pass it to the doctor, and he'd call to ask a question or two....then issue a simple sick-day or two off.  

To be abused?  Well....some  believe might believe that.  But they also think it's stupid to go and take your flu into pass around to other folks.

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