Sunday, December 17, 2023

Deportation Story

 From 1 January 2023 to the end of November of 2023....roughly 4,100 individuals came BACK into Germany, after having been deported (for the sake of numbers....roughly 17,000 have been deported in the same time period).

This was a Focus news item that I read over this AM.

These are all people who filled out the asylum paperwork...submitted it....then a review process took place, with a failed 'stamp' at the end.  Either weeks or months were then spent by German government process the guy or gal....leading to X-day, where they were deported back 'home'.

For whatever reason, they took it upon themselves to return to Germany.

The problem with a report like this....Germans read the piece and ask 'why'.  

They ask why the guy/gal didn't obey the deportation order.  

They ask why the government can't resolve deportation.

They ask about the cost of this business.

Trying to break down the data and explain this in detail?  I don't think anyone wants to really discuss this much.  

The odds that a two-time deportee will return for a third occasion?  Well...I would imagine out of the 4,000 folks....the majority will be around for a 3rd and 4th deportation.   

Same trend in the US?  Yeah, you could dig up the numbers and I would imagine somewhere in the 2-to-5 percent range of deportees....will be back.


Daz said...

The problem is that the term "illegal refugee" or "illegal migrant" has been so broadly applied now that it's lost it's sting. These are the true "illegals" who need punitive measures applied to them when they enter again after failing to meet the standards. But thanks to the right wing flood the zone with lies mentality, now everyone who isn't born in the country is considered an "illegal"...makes it really hard to actually deal with the genuine issue when so many lies have been strewn around.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

I don't believe punitive threats carry any weight. Even if you said 6 months in a prison, then a second wouldn't be much of a threat. Guy would just return for a 3rd, 4th and 5th occasion.

For a while...that point-system agenda was discussed. If you spoke basic German already, had some work-background that could quickly lead to employment, etc...your approval was more positive. At some point, that got dropped. I suspect they opened up the files and found more than half the applicants got zero points or a marginal score.

If the SPD and CDU-CSU combined and carried out actual reform on asylum/migration...AfD agenda efforts would start to fail. Since 2013...that has yet to occur.