Monday, December 11, 2023

On The Topic Of Gendering

 In the past week....Bavaria's Premier-President...Markus Söder....CSU Party 'boss', has said that use of gender-talk-change...has to be stopped in Bavarian schools.

The poll folks at Civey....went to survey the Bavarian public on this.  Three-quarters of society in the state of Bavaria agree.

The folks who say the 'ban' is wrong?  About 20-percent.  They don't divide them up, but I would make an assumption that it's mostly people under the age of twenty-five.

This being a political thing?  Well....if you did view around the CSU, the CDU, the AfD, and the FDP....they mostly lean against gendering.  So it's got more support from the SPD Party and the Greens than anyone else.

The remaining fifteen states?  It's not a top level issue openly discussed (they tend to have bigger issues to worry about). 

This progressing to the national level to force approval of gendering?  I don't think the sixteen states will allow this type of forced-issue to occur.  

The other issue?  I would suggest that a lot of logical questions would follow this discussion in some open forum, and the moderator/guests would not be able to present an argument about this type of evolution going on.  


Daz said...

Ah, the joys of banning words and speech. Never seems to go out of fashion on all sides of the political spectrum.

Schnitzel_Republic said...

Or forced speech.

Daz said...

I'm so glad that there's no other problems in Bavaria that they need to deal with. Might have to relocate.

Daz said...

It's also funny that those who are so anti compelled speech still refer to the ex British PM as Boris Johnson, not Alexander Boris de Pfeffel which was his birth name. Typical woke conservatives taking whatever name he gives as opposed to the one written down and assigned to him. Same with Lord Bellend, who changed his name to Lord Bethel. He was born a Bellend, not a Bethel, and whoever calls him Bethel must also be a part of the woke agenda. Don't get me started on Mohammad Ali. The boys name's Cassius Clay... (credit Coming to America)

And they don't see the irony...even more amusing.