Friday, December 1, 2023

Is There Any Way To Resolve The 60-Billion Euro 'Missing' Funds?

 After the German Constitutional Court said that the 2021 'extra' budget for Covid....could ONLY be used for Covid-stuff....that destroyed two years of talks and plans to spend 60-billion Euro on 'other' stuff.

So I've sat there for three weeks looking over how this problem continues to exist and if you can repair it?

Some countries would just say....adios to the 60-billion Euro and the 'gifts' designed by the three political parties (SPD,  Greens and FDP).  The quicker......the better.

This group doesn't seem willing to do that. taxes?  Don't bring that up with a German.

Redesign a new special budget....just for the environment projects only?  Well....that could work.

Redesign the 60-billion into a smaller 25-billion and sell that to the public?  Maybe.

It's an odd problem for three parties who've lost about one-third of their public support over the past two years.

Raising taxes in a inflation period?  Not that smart.

This being a drain on public support?  Well....yeah....that comes up almost daily now.

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