Sunday, December 24, 2023

German Christmas Movie Choices For The 24th?

 Things are always interesting when you read the TV guide and note your choices for tonight.

- Lord of the Rings

- A two-old 2-star Christmas comedy movie off ARD

- NFL football

- Kevin Alone

- 1997 German 'Silent Night' movie production (rustic Bavaria in the 1800s in the background)

- Nanny McPhee

- 2009 Illimanti (with Tom Hanks)

- 1971 Italian western: The Right and Left Hand of the Devil (comedy mostly)

- 1973 'Three Hazelnuts for Cinderella' 

I would say, if you've never watched the Czech/DDR production of the Cinderella is worth a viewing.  Otherwise, this might be another viewing night of Netflix.  

1 comment:

Bigus Macus said...

We have our Christmas favorites that we like to watch.

A Christmas Carol - with George C Scott

Polar Express.

Scrooged- Bill Murray.