Tuesday, July 2, 2024

2 June 2024: Six German News Stories

 1.  It's just awful rare that a Bundestag member switches political parties.  Apparently, it happened yesterday....Green Party member flipped to the CDU Party (right-of-center).  Not a lot of details provided over logic, but the lady says she has serious disagreement with the Green Party economic policy.   

2.  Marcus Keupp (military economist) gave an interview to FAZ (Frankfurt paper).  Interesting perception....he says that Putin has maxed out on production  of military hardware.  There are a number of other military experts who disagree on this idea. 

I might agree with tanks and APCs being in short supply....they won't be able to easily replace those.

3.   I essayed two days ago over another knife assault (this one in the train station of Kaiserslautern).  Dead guy....64 years old.  Attack conducted by a 20-year-old female.

So what the cops now say?  They did not know each other....simply passing in the underground tunnel of the station.  Old guy apparently slapped the butt of the young lady.  She in return reacts and gives him  'hell'.....situation escalates, and she pulls  out a folding-blade knife, and he ends up getting stabbed.  

Manslaughter will be the charge.  

Just a wild story, but demonstrates another case where carrying a knife around could get you into deep trouble.

In a 2nd knife incident....a woman threatened a teacher in Höhr-Grenzhausen (Pfalz region) on Monday. Mother of some student, and had a serious disagreement with the teacher.   Threat with a kitchen knife.  No injuries in this case.  Woman walked away....cops searching for her.  

4.  French reaction to the 1st legislative election?  There's a 2nd round to occur, and some people are suggesting that Macron's party (one of the three running) should identify various seats they won't run for....thus giving the 2nd  place  party (left-wing) a chance to win superior numbers of Le Pen party.  Just suggesting this....is irking Macron Party folks.

5. CDU Party meeting.....odd topic came with the executive group.  They are now preparing for an early election....thinking the schedule fall 2025 election will be pushed forward. 

6.  German Army conducting a massive purchase of new trucks  from Rheinmetall (3.5 billion Euro contract).  6,500 vehicles in the order.

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