Tuesday, July 2, 2024

How the Ukraine-Russia War Will End?

 You can more or less....script the ending now.

As the US election concludes in November....President Trump arrives around 10 weeks later.  All deals on the table for the Ukraine in terms of money and weapons?  I would suggest that some warning will be given within 7 days of Trump's arrival, and the 100-day clock starts ticking.

Trump will put intense pressure upon China, Iran and India.  No deals with Russia.  

As for Putin getting any real plus-up?  They might get some territory out of eastern Ukraine....totally destroyed by two-plus years of war, and no willing nature to fix anything or repairing the damage.  It'll be Russian territory.....with almost no population existing there.

Anger by the EU by this strategy?  By this point, with three years of sponsoring the Ukraine, and flipping billions of Euro their way....I suspect the bulk of voters will have hit maximum capacity to support the war.  The politicians might hint of anger but there's nothing to be gained by extending the war out..

So quietly....probably around early spring of 2025....this war will end. 

Putin's Russia?  Probably half-a-million men lost, and another one to two million men who walked out of Russia.  Economical outlook? Crap...for at least a decade and privately....most Russians angry about the true cost.   A whole generation of young Russian males....dissolved away.

A topic not to be discussed?  Yeah.....you can't talk over the end because it's so firmly attached to having Trump play his role.....making economics the threat tool, rather than military strength.   

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