Thursday, July 4, 2024

4 July 2024: 8 German News Stories

 1.  Hype over beating?  Well....from Tuesday night's Euro Cup game in Frankfurt (Portugal versus Slovakia) some point, couple of Portugal fans (guys) were in the  arena tunnel and said something to trigger a reaction by arena security folks (NOT the the police).  Video of the scene....showed the Portugal guys getting the crap beat out of them.

So the police are now viewing the video and there's some sharp criticism over what happened.  

2.  Last night (Wed).....ZDF  (public TV, Channel 2) started late news with Biden-chatter, and spent a good seven minutes trying to explain that Biden is probably out, and who might be running instead of him. 

My general impression.....probably half the German population doesn't really care one way or another, and it's a lot of fake drama in their minds.  The other half are shaking their heads because just three weeks ago....Biden was here in Europe and all the news people were commenting how well and sharp-witted he was.  

3.  One of the key problems left over by Covid...shortage of restaurant personnel.  Well....Focus led off this AM with a top item managers of restaurants are all complaining now....'staff shortages'.

4.  The Bad Oeynhausen assault-murder (involving the young Syrian guy as the person conducting the beating)....appears now to be a game changer for migration.  Various states, and the federal gov't are going to re-examine  integration and problem-people.

5.  Germany plays Spain Friday evening in the Euro Cup action.  

6.  There's a Friday show-down in the Bundestag....talking over the 2025 budget situation.  Some analysts are suggesting that this could be the point where the collapse starts  up and early election gets tossed around.

7.   Just an odd story....three guys show up at the Café "Celona" in Frankfurt on the 19th of June.  They sat and had a coffee...waiting.  They were supposed to meet with some Ukrainian guy.  Well....he never showed up, and the three eventually left.

What they didn't know....German federal cops were watching them.  At some point later....they were arrested.

What the federal cops say?  The three were a Ukrainian, an Armenian and a Russian.  Arrested for?  Suspicion of secret service agent activity.  The cops think the three were up to kidnap or kill some Ukrainian  in town.

The potential victim?  Well...the Ukrainian had reported to the police back several months ago....some folks approached him and wanted him to 'spy' on some Russians living in Germany.  

Source: Here.

After reading the whole reads like some spy novel.  No one really talks about it, but I would imagine there are at least a hundred Russian 'agents' walking around Germany at present.  

8.  Chancellor Scholz says fed gov't will finance the 49-Euro Deutschland train/bus card.  Where the cash will come from?  Unknown.

I personally think the monthly card probably has to go up to make sense. 


Bigus Macus said...

What's up with this?

Schnitzel_Republic said...

A regional court...not the Constitutional Court...has rendered a verdict that this couple (being members of the AfD Party) must surrender their firearms (they were both licensed, and I think both were hunter-enthusiasts). The logic given is that the federal system has proclaimed the AfD Party to be a extremist political party.

Now, it's only a regional court (Dusseldorf, NRW state), and this case will flow onto the Constitutional Court next.

To complicate matters....the couple could pack up and move to another state and the gun confiscation matter would be thrown back a notch or two. So far, the couple hasn't chosen to do this.

Now I will add two personal comments here....the guy in question has 197 weapons (his wife has 27). Just guessing...there's probably over 100k Euro in value here, and both could sell the weapons to non-AfD Party members as part of a 'fix'.

The other thing I see...both husband and wife could resign from the AfD Party and just suggest they were cured of any extremist mentality. As stupid as it sounds....that also might work and make the court happy.

As for this all connecting to the 'other' court action going on....about the 7 Dec 2022 attempted Coup-d'état plot? Well....some federal and state-level folks were freaked out over this comical coup attempt in Germany, and that group has NO relationship to the AfD, but it charged up folks to worry about so many guns in the 'wrong' hands.

You can look up the Reichsbürger movement and see the whole story. Court action going on currently, and I would imagine it'll be at least spring of 2026 before the case wraps up.

My humble view is that couple in question will arrive eventually at the Constitutional Court level, and that court will ask some tough questions...finding that federal law doesn't allow for states to handle this, and the couple quietly moves to the Pfalz or some eastern state, with their gun collection....with the whole affair ended.

The comical side of this...if the couple had just been members of the Green Party or far-left Linke Party...they could keep their guns. My advice...never join any political party.

Footnote: German gun control/ a state thing...not city or federal. It is purely a contract between you (the citizen) and the local police, after you successfully complete all their paperwork. If you made any stupid threat against anyone, and the police get 'wind' of it...laws already exist for them to easily confiscate your collection. Just denying the police a chance to audit/inventory your enough for confiscation.

Bigus Macus said...

Thanks for the very in-depth explanation. I think your suggestion on not joining a party is the best. Fly low and under the radar.