Tuesday, July 2, 2024

Conclusion of this Kaiserslautern Train Station Stabbing Story?

 Well....the police in town have finally written the full basic story.

Having been in the K-town station probably 300 times in my life and walked through the 'tunnel' in question....it's a simple story.

I'll say for the record.....it's a fairly small station....maybe four platforms, and the tunnel connects all of them.  

If you back 30 to 50 years....it was a minor thing where stupid old guys (usually 50 or older) would slap a woman's butt or do a groping on some German female.

This 64-year old German guy (no one says if on his way home or just 'browsing')....decided on some female....he'd grope her.

Well....this happened to be a German female with a switchblade knife and she confronted the guy.  She meant business....he attempted to back out of the situation....she moved forward, and the knife went in.  He died between the station and the hospital.

Nothing involving some radicalization.....inability to integrate, or some some failed love-affair.  Just a old guy who probably groped over a hundred women in his life, and he finally picked the wrong one to mess with.

German prosecutor in this?  Manslaughter charge...criminal code says a max of five years.  If this had been intentional (like they knew each other).....you could go for a 2nd degree murder deal.  But zero proof that they'd ever met before this day.

It's just a remarkable thing.....some young gal with a knife and a pressure-cooker mentality....easily to react to anything, and reacting quickly.    

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