Wednesday, July 3, 2024

3 July 2024: Eight German News Stories

 1.  It is sorta comical....Victor Orban, President of Hungary and considered a right-wing guy (at least by the German news media).....says he has a new strategy for the EU....entitled: 'Make the EU great again'.  Yeah, he took it from Trump.  

I'll just say as the public media in Germany heard this....they got hyped-up over the idea that they weren't great anymore.

2.  Fair stretch of the autobahn between Forst and Roggosen  (eastern side of Germany, Autobahn 15)....partially closed due to heat damage.

Ongoing event every summer in Germany.....where temperatures up around 35C or more causes this.

3.  There are around 20-odd nuke plants in the EU (of course, zero in Germany) which run off Russian-made fuel elements.  Because of limited production.....they don't have much choice.

Well....a couple of the EU members brought up the idea of a German production site.  SPD-led coalition?  They see this as a negative and are blocking it.  One of the reasons given....they suspect Putin would get angry and target Germany.....if they got into this 'business'.

4.  Focus article this AM.....heat-pump sales now lagging big-time after the big push 2 years ago.  Oddly, oil heating systems are now surging.

5.  New toll regulation falling into play in Germany.  Up until today.....trucks of the 3.5-ton type.....didn't have to pay toll for the autobahns.  Now they do.   

6.  Shoplifting is trending upwards in Germany at present.  WELT piece says organized gangs now heavily involved in the operation.

7.  Statistics now show 300,000 Germans (on average) pack up and leave Germany.  Cost of living is usually given for this exit trend.

8.  Some chatter going on that the 49-Euro Deutschland monthly railway/bus ticket may be dissolved this fall.  Reason?  Significant amount of money that states have to pump cover the real cost of the ticket.  What they don't want to admit is that a true cost ticket....should be closer to 75-to-85 Euro per month.  

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