Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Just An Odd Picture

Last week, I was around downtown Wiesbaden, and just walking around. Then I turned a corner and here was a table set up in the walk-platz.....for Dianetics (the catch-phrase for Scientology).

I've seen them set up in Washington a couple of times, but this was the first time in Germany that I've seen them pitching the 'religion'.

So I sat down and viewed them from a safe distance.

Minutes would pass, and then I came watch this unusual moment occur, with a Islamic gal who stopped and was asking questions from the Dianetics guy.

I'd have to admit that you just don't see Muslim individuals asking questions about other religions too much.  I think peer pressure tends to prevent that sort of thing.

So for a few brief moments.....this gal got Dianetics explained.  I doubt if they explained the money angle, or the fees for the various levels of relief.  Maybe the e-meter got mentioned....maybe not.

Just another day on the streets of Wiesbaden.

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