Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Three Markers

Down near the Luisenplatz area of Wiesbaden....I have a favorite bakery.  To get back to the bus stop, I have to walk up the street....barely a block.

I came to a stop today....glancing down, and noted these three memory stones on the sidewalk.  It's a new trend in Germany over the last couple of years.

The three stones?

Three Jewish family members, the Berney family.

The best I can tell....they lived there....on the second or third floor of the building.  They might have owned a's hard to tell.

They were picked up in 1942, deported, and ended up dying in some concentration camp.   Father, mother and daughter.

It's one of those odd things that you come across.  Three people....forgotten by the end of the war.  A fair portion of Wiesbaden was hit by bombs over WW II.  The markers are what is left and reminds you of three folks who rode off, and never came back.

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