Friday, August 23, 2019

1 September: Brandenburg State Election

We are roughly a week away, and general polling indicates a tough race.

Both the SPD (left of center) and AfD Party (far-right) are anticipated to take around 22-percent of the vote.  For the SPD, and it's big win from five years ago in's a fair-sized drop.

The CDU (right of center) and the Linke Party (far-left) are slated to take in the 15-to-18 percent range of votes.  The Greens are far back at around 10-to-12 percent.

A coalition?  If the SPD can win might see a SPD-Linke-Green situation.  If the AfD were to win?  No one can say how a coalition would exist, and I have my doubts that it'd work for them.   Course, they could run a minority-state government situation.  It's another race worth watching on the Sunday evening news (on the 1st). 

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