Friday, August 23, 2019

Saxony Election Coming Up

The Saxony state election in Germany.....occurs in roughly a week.

The current projection?  Well, it's dismal for the SPD Party (left of center group).  They are near 7-percent in regional polling and it's possible they may not even cross the 5-percent point (where it's enough to have a seat in the state assembly). 

The likely winner right now?  The CDU Party (right of center).  But with 30-percent of the vote (currently projected)'s hard to figure the coalition partner in this German state election.

The AfD Party (the anti-immigration or far-right group) will probably be taking near 23-to-25 percent of the vote, and won't be invited to any coalition deals. 

Even the Green Party is on the slim side....with projections being around 10-to-12 percent. 

So on the evening of the 1st of September....this will topic number one with news journalists, and how dismal the SPD did in the election. 

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