Thursday, August 22, 2019

Cash For Clunkers Plan in the Works?

It came up in the past two days....that the German Finance Minister has a plan in place where if the recession does hit Germany....he has around 50-billion Euro waiting to be used in some way identical to the 2008/2009 period, and help to restart the German economy during the recession.  Another cash for clunkers period?  In simple terms, yes.

Add onto this detail that he (Olaf Scholz) represents the SPD Party and in the last week....put his name in the hat to be the leader of the party. 

As for how the fifty billion would be spent?  Unknown.  Some of this might go to diesel car owners (those with diesel cars over 10 years old) trade in and get some extra rebate.  Some extra bridges and roads in the mix?  Maybe. 

If you go back to the 2008/2009 economic slowdown, the money pumped into projects did help to lessen the pain and brought things back rather quickly. 

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