Sunday, August 25, 2019

Little Drug Brawl Story

Up in Koln, Germany.....about five minutes walking north of the train station is the park area referred to as Ebertplatz.  It's mostly a city park area, with a small lake.....with various include an area where homeless folks sleep/mingle....and drug dealers operate without much worry over the cops.  If you want drugs of any type, this is the place to 'shop'. 

It's easy to hop off the subway or tram system....walk into the park and buy your 'stuff'. 

So this morning (Sunday) the sun rose.....there was this fight to occur (cops used the word 'mass brawl'). 

What the cops say.....roughly ten to fifteen black Africans (note the term was used, and they definitely didn't use the term 'south-eastern' (typically a cop term to mean Syrian, Iraqi or Afghan) into some kind of disagreement. 

End-result?  One guy laying there....dead.

So far, ten of the associates have been arrested or detained. 

Drug war?  Probably.  If you go and look around several of the larger German cities (Hamburg, Dusseldorf, Frankfurt, Berlin, etc).....drug zones are common now, and cops make their presence noted but it has no real effect on sales.

In this dead guy's case?  There's probably too many dealers in the area, and competition is getting fierce.  For the mayor and local politicians?  This will bring up the safety aspects of this area of town, and the amount of drugs which flow through mid-town Koln. 

Why black African thing?  Well....a number of the migrants who made it into Italy via the smuggling route, or the fake-rescue business.....quietly make their way up into Germany.  No visa, no work-permit, and no real job experience.....they are more or less left to the job which requires no real background....selling drugs.  If they did get arrested?  No'd take months for the prosecutor or authorities to arrange detention or sending them back home. 

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