Sunday, August 4, 2019

A Little Robbery Story

Roughly a week ago, on a Friday afternoon....four 'thugs' walked into a bank in the central part of Frankfurt.  The intent was simply to break into 'lockers'.  A couple were broken into, and then the gang decided to leave (someone may have alerted security but little is said about this part of the story).

They reach their car (it might be a stolen vehicle, but cops don't say much).  It's a sleek black BMW.  Then they take off from the mid-part of Frankfurt. 

My guess is that they aren't locals and really didn't plan much on this trip.  Friday afternoons in Frankfurt?  Traffic is 'hell', and they were being chased by the German police at that point.  They had to use the BMW as a 'ramming' vehicle, and damaged a number of German vehicles there along the train station area of town.  At some point, the BMW is now inoperable.  The gang takes off on foot.  At this point, they enter the train station, and in a very unwise situation....with video cameras all over the place.....they appear to have gone to the idea of using the train system to leave the city.

The cops?  They shut down the entire network.  No trains are moving.

In the end, three of the gang members are detained and held....the fourth guy appears to still be on the run. 

Picking a bank in the central part of Frankfurt, and trying to use a getaway car in the midst of thick traffic?  It would almost appear like a bunch of juvenile kids (they were all in mid-20's). 

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