Friday, August 9, 2019

Chatter Over US Troops Leaving Germany

Various comments have been laid down since President Trump arrived on the scene 2.5 years ago, and there's supposed to be a meeting between him and Merkel (late August), and some suggest that another 'card' will be put down over the defense contribution business.

How I think this will play out?

In early November, BREXIT is supposed to occur (if Johnson gets his wish).  This is still questionable, and various parties will attempt to halt the exit unless there is a treaty. 

I think that once BREXIT has occurred, the US will arrive and start both trade and defense talks, with the aim of arranging for some of these closing British bases in the be new sites for US Army and Air Force to move into, and out of Germany. 

The end-result will be some some contingent (probably in the 3,000 range) to be put into Poland, and the remainder to be moved into UK bases over the next three years. 

What US installations might be left in Germany?  That's a curious question.  There may be no US facilities left.  There might be Ramstein left by itself (with the new hospital being built there).  EUCOM Headquarters might even be left there. 

The lingering question will did the Germans arrive at the point of this stupid military budget issue, and who really pushed the lower number for all those years?  Merkel?  Or was this always the agenda of the SPD to press on the lower budget? 

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