Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Meat Tax Up?

This is a five-line story from this morning, which is a bit amusing.

So when you go and buy meat at the butcher-shop or grocery.....the sales tax is 7-percent. 

On all other products (except milk), it's 19-percent.  Oatmeal, macaroni, peanut butter.....all 19-percent.

So the agricultural folks within the Green and SPD Parties.....want meat shifted to 19-percent.

What would they do with the extra tax revenue?  The claim is.....animal welfare.  How this would work, is unknown.  One might guess that a farmer would report his herd size each year, and there would be a government check to arrive. 

Would people just accept the higher tax?  Nothing says otherwise.

But doesn't this invite more regulation?  That's probably the long-term problem.  The vegan crowd has a lot of pull now within both the SPD and Green Parties, and one might suspect that there is going to be a hook drive meat prices up to a point, where people have to think about the amount of meat they eat.

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