Tuesday, August 6, 2019

Do Immigrants Commit More Acts of Violence Than Germans?

Well, you can't answer the question unless you have arrested/detained all who perpetrated the act of violence. 

There are various attempts by journalists and news networks to say that the question can be answered by police statistics.  The cops can only report factual evidence that exists. 

The question and the real answer.....might be positive to say that more Germans commit acts of assault or murder.  But the lack of a true and absolute database leaves this question lingering there. 

Added to this curious question.....more rural areas of Germany simply don't have that many migrants or immigrants.  You can go into some farming communities of 1,000 residents and find almost no immigrants at all.....while walking around Frankfurt or Hamburg....in particular neighborhoods, the ratio might be four immigrants for every German you meet on the street. 

So when journalists try to get your interest with this question and their supposed answer....you can grin and just suggest to the guy that statistics are lacking. 

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