Thursday, August 22, 2019

The Equal Discussion

There is this political effort underway in Germany.....via political parties of various suggest that you can pass a law and guarantee everyone has EQUAL living conditions.  It's not only a socialist agenda, but it's a Green Party agenda....a right-of-center agenda, and even a journalist/think-tank agenda. 

Yes, there's even a commission who is studying this idea and how you would make this work.

So you sit there and think about this....making up a understanding that virtually all Germans could have the same expected and EQUAL living conditions. 

Transportation?  That would mean a rural town of 800 residents would have guaranteed decent bus service....say two buses an hour in the 'rush-hours' and one per hour the rest of the day.  Is this possible?  I have my doubts. 

Police protection?  If you have a region with marginal crime....would it be protected at the same level as Frankfurt?  I kinda doubt it.

DSL-level internet speed?  Probably 20-percent of Germans still don't have what you'd consider to be high-speed internet.  Could you force the telephone companies and internet companies to provide it at the same level across Germany?  I doubt it.

Job-potential?  Right now across Bavaria, there are hundreds of companies in need of employees, and in some locations....the unemployment rate is less than 2-percent.  How would you create an equal-balance on this?  Would you force people to move from their a different city?

This whole conversation is about a dog chasing his 'tail' and trying to equalize things which just doesn't work well.  It sounds good in these forums, and would look great in some Constitutional reform.  But how would you go and measure this, and then create the template to make this work?

Just to suggest in Hessen....that you could make everyone in the region equal....would be near impossible. 

Yet, here we are, with a commission, and public forum chats.....working on the impossible. 

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