Friday, July 17, 2020

Germany and Corona

I noticed this of the key experts you see on German commercial news....a virologist....Hendrick Streeck, was rather blunt.

He is handing out a good bit of start having a plan 'B' because the Corona vaccine may not be the miracle that people talk about.

Focus magazine had a great discussion with the guy, and he offered a couple of comments.

He laid out past problems from TB to malaria....same situation....vaccines came and went.

Streeck's key advice?  You need to know who the fragile folks are with the virus, and work to lessen the effect on them. 

The antibody discussion from last week was probably an expected problem (antibody strength after you get over roughly 90 days, and then it starts to decline).  You'd have to repeat the vaccine experience at least two or three times a year.....if this were true.

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